In this lecture, we went backwards to review every single lecture that has occurred in the course so far. While this was meant to be review material for the upcoming final exam, it was also equally meant to clarify the goals and high-level takeaways from each lesson.

We then discussed the course themes, the three theses that were established at the beginning of the course, and ideas that have been continuously cropping up over the tenure of the course. Mostly, this was a look at whether or not the promises laid down at the beginning of the course were kept, and reinforcing those ideas by examining them in context of what we now know about functional programming.

The end of this lecture served as a personal send off for myself, to all of my students, 150, and CMU in general. I thanked many of my influences and people who inspired me to teach this course, and clarified some lessons that I learned from the course, as well as what I wanted students to take away from it.

I hope you got something out of this course as well.