Here are some projects I'm working on, actively or passively, which I felt didn't fit into the other sections on teaching, or creative works, or details about myself.
mulligan is a stepping debugger for the Standard ML language, aimed at making it easy to trace through the execution of simple Standard ML expressions, at a finer level of granularity than is possible through the SML/NJ REPL, which will not display the intermediary steps it takes to compute a value.
deriving-sml supports four "plugins", those being eq, compare, show, and map. deriving-sml parses a "meta-SML" dialect which includes "deriving metadata" attached to type declarations, which signals to deriving-sml to produce code for each of the four functionalities, in a type-directed way.For instance, the following code:
structure Foo =
type t = int * string [.deriving show, eq]
datatype t2 =
| Two [.deriving show, compare]
produces the following code, when fed into deriving-sml:
structure Foo =
type t = (int * string) (* [.deriving show,eq] *)
fun show_t (t1, t2) =
(op^ ( ((op^ ( ("(",
(op^ ( ((Int.toString ( t1 )),
(op^ ( (", ",
(op^ ( ((op^ ( ("\"", t2) )),
"\"") ))) ))) ))) )),
")") ))
and t_show x = (show_t ( x ))
fun eq_t ((t5, t7), (t6, t8)) =
((op= ( (t5, t6) )) andalso (op= ( (t7, t8) )))
and t_eq x = (eq_t ( x ))
datatype t2 = One | Two (* [.deriving show,compare] *)
fun show_t2 t9 = (case t9 of One => "One" | Two => "Two")
and t2_show x = (show_t2 ( x ))
fun cmp_t2 (t10, t11) =
(case (t10, t11) of
(One, One) => EQUAL
| (Two, Two) => EQUAL
| (x, y) =>
( ( (((fn x =>
(case x of
One => 0
| Two => 1)) ( x )),
((fn x =>
(case x of
One => 0
| Two => 1)) ( y ))) )))
and t2_cmp x = (cmp_t2 ( x ))
and t2_compare x = (cmp_t2 ( x ))
and compare_t2 x = (cmp_t2 ( x ))